
Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm too easy

One thing I've learned to accept about myself is that I'm way too easily persuaded. If you want me to agree with you about something, then all you have to do is tell me your opinion. In my defense, I do have limits... I doubt I'd agree with anyone about certain touchy subjects like gay rights or racism. However, on the whole, it doesn't take much to change my mind.

And my poor husband has to be the one who deals with the results. I'll totally agree with him on something one moment and then turn around and talk to someone else who has a different opinion. The next thing Michael knows is that I return disagreeing with him completely. Well, that is until he tells me his opinion again and the whole vicious cycle begins all over again.

Obviously with this "handicap" of mine, there are greater and lesser consequences. However, today I'm dealing with a silly lesser consequence. Or so it may seem silly to everyone else. It's not so pleasant for me. Oh, right... you still don't know what I'm talking about.

Well, to make it a short, detail-less story... I read yesterday about how I'm in my last week of my 2nd trimester and that one of the things that is common in this stage of the pregnancy is constipation. I swear as soon as I read that, I became constipated. Yes, I'm too easily persuaded. Like I said, I have issues. But this time, it's not pleasant for me at all.

How pathetic am I that I'm so easily persuaded that when I just read about how common something is, I convince myself that it must apply to me too. Ugh. I wish I could say a couple years of counseling and I'd be fine, but maybe I'm beyond that point.

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