
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ellie Funt, get it?

Sometimes I do something that later makes me think "that was not my smartest moment" and other times I fail to notice something that later makes me think "how could I NOT see that?"

Last night was one of the latter.

We recently got a book from Cracker's mom called "Ellie's Tea Party." Ellie loves it.

Basically it's about Ellie Funt wanting to throw a tea party and what all her friends bring to the party. For quite some time, though, I found myself not reading the entire sentences. I thought that it seemed like such an odd name to give the character, so I would only say "Ellie" and skip the "Funt".

Do you see where I'm going with this story? Can you guess what kind of character Ellie might be? Here's a picture of Ellie and her friend Witzy:

Yep. Ellie Funt is an elephant. This I knew. It's hard to look at the picture and fail to notice she's an elephant. But it wasn't until I overheard Daddy reading the book that I realized where Ellie gets her last name. Funt. Ellie Funt. Get it?

OH MY GOD. I'm such an idiot. I think I've read the book dozens of times and always thought Funt was such a stupid last name. Someone, just flick my forehead for me please.


spleeness said...

haha! If you hadn't SAID this I never would have gotten it. I was like "huh, I guess "funt" is a funny-sounding name so that's why it's in a kid's book." doh!

Niffer said...

Thank you for making me feel better!

Salina said...

Haha...I got it right away and even thought it was Ellie's nickname or favorite stuffed elephant! That's cute.

Niffer said...

That would be a cute name for Ellie. I think I might steal that idea.

Heidi said...

One of my first stuffed animals as a child was an elephant named Ellie. She was super cute. I almost always think of her still when you say Ellie. =)

Niffer said...

My fondest memory of a stuffed animal was Eee-eee. He was my monkey. My mom used to joke that I must have known I'd become an Electrical Engineer even when I was 3! I like stuffed animal stories.