You are such a big person in a world that expects you to be so small. You try to take it all in, examining a situation before making up your mind on which opinion you will take away with you. You know what you like. Your favorite activities are jumping on balloons and attending French class. You also love to sing, play tea-party, house, and being a mommy to your dolls. You love the slide at the park and are always proud of yourself when you climb to the top by yourself. You like watching older kids and trying to do the things they do. You do not let your age or size hold you back. You are so passionate. You give great bear hugs and cry great big tears.
You are so smart. You can count to ten in both English and French, sing many songs, name all your colors, recognize a handful of letters and speak just about any word (and many sentences) you need. You and your best friend invented a game at school where you converted a rocking horse to a see-saw, and the two of you waste no time in starting in on the fun. You even have all the bigger kids wanting to join in!
You have lots of friends and get along with just about any one, but the one you like the most is Brynn. You also like to spend time with your family. Grandma and Nana are favorites. Whenever Aunt Erin is in town, you can't get enough of her and you often ask if Uncle David can join us in playing.
You have lots of toys - mostly stuffed animals. Your favorites are Penguin, Mr. Bear, Monkey and of course, Naked Baby. You believe that all sheep belong in your room. Bun-Bun is still number one, though she now stays in your bed. You no longer need her during the day, or even at daycare!
Like I said, you are growing up so quickly and in the wise words of Daddy, "I like that little girl." You are the light of our lives and we love watching you enjoy life to the fullest like you do. Whenever I ask "Do you know who Mommy and Daddy love?" you respond with a very confident "Lyla!" and you couldn't be more right.
Yay! Happy Birthday Ellie!!! She really is a superstar.
I've got good news and bad news.
First the bad news. It doesn't appear to slow down. My oldest is going on 12, and it seems like just yesterday when he was saying "opaguyco" (motorcycle) and "bugjuice" (W). And it seems like maybe late last week when I could fit him, head to toe on my forearm. And now, he's playing the piano better than I ever could. And there are tons of areas in life that he knows better than me (e.g. pokemon). And we have to have "the talk" soon. Yes, that one. He was just born, for pete's sake. Now I'm supposed to 'splain to him how it works and the associated emotions?!?!
The good news is this: so far as I have experienced to this point, you could pick any age, and I'd be forced to say, "oh, that was a great age." He'll never be 2 again, but 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 have all been pretty stinking great.
Multiply x4.
Aunt Erin loves her too!
KC - Thanks! We're trying to teach her to say "And smart too" after receiving such a compliment.
MJH - You poor thing. Ellie is never going to be that old, so I'm sure I don't have to worry about having that conversation. Good luck with it! And thanks for the good news!
Erin - Ellie loves you too... you're in the "In crowd" now!
What a beautiful and touching post, I almost cried imagining Ellie our age reading this and knowing how much her mom & dad love her. What a beautiful birthday present!
Thanks Spleeness, but for now I think her favorite present is the blue electric-powered car we got her. =)
Well now I'm crying from reading your letter to her on her b day so gimme a moment. You are what I hope I can be like when I'm a mom.
Ah shucks. Thank you so much for your compliment!
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