
Friday, May 15, 2009

Much like the Grinch

Quite often Ellie makes me so happy that it actually hurts. Physically, it hurts! I can actually feel it in my chest. You've seen the movie "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," right? Do you remember how his heart was too small and it hurt him when it got bigger? I think that's what's happening to me. What's the medical term for that condition? KC - you're a doctor, help me out!

And what about the chances of this smile being permanent? My mom used to tell me not to make funny faces because they may end up being permanent. KC - Was she just pulling my leg? What kind of doctor are you, anyway? I forget.

Anyway, back to my medical condition of feeling my happiness in my chest (could it be kidney failure?), I wondered if this was something that was common to parents or if I was just weird, so I asked Daddy.

Mommy: Where do you feel your happiness?
Daddy: Huh?
Mommy: When I get happy, I can feel it in my chest. Where do you feel your happiness?
Daddy: (looks down at his pants).
Mommy: Forget I asked.


M said...

Hey!!! I didn't look at my pants!! I certainly implied it, but give me credit for some subtlety. =)

Niffer said...

Hahaha... it figures you read my blog today.

For the other readers, let me correct the post by saying that he was more subtle than typed words indicate. LOL.