
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Must Bun-Bun go?

For a while now, we've been to the point where Ellie does not need Bun-bun during the day. In fact, she leaves her bunny in the bed all day. She's not allowed to have her unless she's in her bed. She doesn't bring the bunny to daycare anymore, either, which means her naps there are bunny-free.

I'm wondering at what point we should take Bun-Bun away completely? I don't mind her being around, but she still sucks on Bun-Bun's arms whenever she has it. This means any naps taken at home, or sleeping through the night, that bunny is stuck in Ellie's mouth.

I'll admit this is a huge step away from the grossness that once was our all-day Bun-Bun. Even if we have 7 of them, lots of love still took a toll on each of them.

As for myself, I was a thumb sucker and just decided one day I had enough. Michael used to suck on raisins at night and one day he vowed to never have another raisin for the rest of his life. I've been kind of hoping for that time to come for Ellie, but I'm guessing that's not for quite some time.

Hmm... I'll have to think about that.


Heidi said...

Every kid is different, but if that is her comfort item then you're probaby stuck with it. Ask your ped, but even at the Cracker's age I think they strongly advise against ever taking a comfort item away, unless you feel it's dangerous. But hey, at least when she's older you can use it for leverage.

Niffer said...

I've read recently that sucking their thumbs isn't an issue until they're closer to 3 years old, so I'm assuming the same is probably true with Bun-Bun. Actually, I'd guess that Bun-Bun is better than the thumb.

Unknown said...

oh leave bun-bun! My heart hurts for Lorielle if bun-bun is taken away forever. ;(

Heidi said...

That would be my guess too, especially since I am assuming the parts of Bun-Bun being sucked on are not rigid. I know I had a really strong need to comfort suck as a kid, and both the Cracker and Olive seem to have it as well. Olive is a thumb's weird because it didn't happen until Christmas morning, the same day when she began traditional crawling. At first it bothered me so much, and of course now I think it's the most adorable thing. The Cracker was so much more attached to his pacifier than she is to her thumb, and it wasn't too hard to break, but it also wasn't attached to her body. OTOH, both of them have been attached to blankets too, so it wasn't their only comfort item. The Cracker still sucks on nothingness in his sleep and it's been 4 years. I know with Olive's thumb sucking I take comfort in the fact that it's only at bedtime and not constant during the day. I think that buys us a little more time, right?

Niffer said...

Bun-Bun will stay for a while. At least another year. I don't have the heart to take her away yet and I think that Heidi is right about not wanting to take away her comfort item.