
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Baby Tuesday

Salina kindly (and in a very excited manner) reminded me that people want to hear about the new baby too, and not just about Ellie. I will try to follow up with her idea of writing about the baby at least once a week. Why not Tuesdays? We'll call it Baby Tuesdays.

Since there is a part of me that feels like there is a lot of catching up to do, I'll start with answering Salina's questions:

How is this time different or the same?
So far the two pregnancies are very similar in many ways. I didn't have much morning sickness, though it was a little worse this time around. I never actually threw up with Ellie, but I did a few times with this baby. I even threw-up after smelling the diet soda that a coworker was drinking during lunch. I felt like this time my heightened sense of smell affected me much more.

So far there are two major ways in which the pregnancies have differed. With Ellie, the second trimester was marked by a major boost of energy. I felt great! I felt sexy! I felt like I could conquer the world. I keep waiting for that to happen this time around and it just hasn't. I am constantly tired, and I feel fat instead of sexy. I'm sure part of this is that I'm showing so much more this time around (I swear I do keep meaning to post pictures), but there is more to it than that. I just can't put my finger on it. I'm guessing that I'm so tired this time around because I have to deal with Ellie. I can't just go to bed as soon as I get home if I want, and I certainly can't sleep in in the mornings if I want.

This ties into the other major difference between the two pregnancies. Last time, if someone were to ask me "how far along are you?" I could answer to the day, without hesitation, "I'm 22 weeks and 4 days pregnant!" However, this time I really have to remind myself of what email I got from Baby Center. I feel guilty that I don't ever remember how far along I am. However, ask me what Ellie's age is and I can tell you right off the bat!

Last time, though I enjoyed being pregnant, I was so excited and anxious for the baby to be born. I was also excited to show off my pregnancy, being willing to talk about it to anyone who was in hearing distance. This time, I find myself both more patient and private. It was my decision whether or not we found out the gender this time, and much to my surprise I chose not to. Since then, though, I've been at peace with my decision. It's almost like deep down I feel like I only have 9 more months in which I can cherish the *NOT* knowing. And even then, I am wrong. It's only 4.5 months, isn't it? Wow. There I go again, needing to remind myself that this baby is coming. LOL. Anyway, I'm completely fine with the idea of waiting because I know that this will most likely be the last time I am pregnant and so there is no rush to get it over with.

As for being more private, I definitely talk less about this baby. I don't think I'm doing it on purpose, but I feel like I want to keep the baby all to myself. Again, I think it's my way of cherishing the time. It feels more personal this time around.

I was so blessed with my pregnancy with Ellie. It was a fantastic pregnancy and I loved feeling her inside my tummy. In fact, I struggled quite a bit with "missing her" after she was born. I loved the calming effect that feeling her move had on me and my stressful life. I have only recently just started to feel this baby move a lot and I'm excited for that sensation to help me bond with the baby. I feel like so far, the movements have been stronger and more distinct, so it will be interesting to see if that continues.

Is it as amazing as the first time?
I guess in many ways, I've already answered this question. I think that with the baby moving more, the answer to this will definitely move more towards the "YES! YES! YES!" but up until recently, it's been both more and less amazing at the same time. Less amazing because I have to remind myself that I'm pregnant. More amazing because I feel like I'm keeping pregnancy all to myself. I feel like I am starting to appreciate the pregnancy knowing that it will most likely be my last. And there is no doubt that feeling a baby move inside you is by far the most amazing sensation that I have ever experienced.

Do have cravings?
Just the craving to get a tattoo. There was another one recently - not food related - but I can't remember what it was.

Have you felt the baby move yet?
I have! I have! In fact, when I was making a bunch of donations last week, the baby must have sensed my excitement because she was kicking up a storm. It was neat to feel the baby get excited right along with me. That, combined with a seemingly endless supply of "Appy birt-day Mommy!" from Ellie, my day was incredible.

Some surprises this time around:
- I did not expect to have to buy maternity clothes again. Most of mine from the first time do not fit. Crazy. And just wrong.
- My memories from my pregnancy with Ellie keep slipping into my short-term memories this time. Example - the other day we were changing the sheets on the bed and I told Michael that we didn't have any sheets that fit the new bed. He was confused and I said "Remember, our new bed is deeper than our old bed, so these sheets won't fit anymore." He kindly reminded me that we have had the same bed for 2 years now and that the sheets have indeed been bought since then. Until I gave it some serious thought, I could have sworn we purchased the new bed just recently.
- I see pregnant women ALL the time! I don't recall seeing very many of them last time I was pregnant, but it seems like they're everywhere this time around!

Ok, this post has turned quite long. I'll try to write once a week about the baby, but since I got this one out of the way, they probably won't be nearly as long.


Salina said...

Ahh, thanks for the post! I love hearing about all the adventures with Ellie...I mean she is as cute as ever, so who wouldn't?!? It makes me excited for what's to come for my two. I also love hearing about pregnancy (I really miss it) so I'm trying to live vicariously through you! :)

I just wanted to remind you that you have #2 on the way and I wasn't sure if you weren't feeling good, keeping it private, or if it wasn't a big deal to be pregnant again. It sounds like it's a combination of privacy and life being busy with Ellie...which is okay! Write when you feel like and only share what you want. I think baby #2 may want to read about it someday just like Ellie will love to go back on your blog to read about herself.

And yay for not finding out!! That is so exciting!!

Niffer said...

Thanks, Salina! I'm glad you requested hearing more about the pregnancy because of what you just said... I'm sure Ellie will love to go back and read the stories I have of not only her, but when I was pregnant with her. I certainly don't want to deprive this baby of that same opportunity. I don't want him to think that this pregnancy didn't mean much to me just because Ellie is so great.

I will try to write more often. Really, I think I should.


melissa said...

craving a tattoo? seriously? is this new for you, or do you have others?

Niffer said...

I have no tattoos yet but during both pregnancies, I've wanted to get one so badly. I wrote about it on May 1 in a post called "Pregnancy Cravings"

Weird, huh?