
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where did Brynnie go?

This week has been hard on Ellie. Unlike last week, she has cried every time we dropped her off at school. It's been really hard on us, but at least we now have a theory on what's wrong:

Mommy: We're here. Ready for school?
Ellie: Where did Brynnie go?
Mommy: Brynnie is staying home for a while because she now has a baby sister.
Ellie: Brynnie stay home as baby sisser.
Mommy: Yep, but she'll be back soon.
Ellie: Back noooow?
Mommy: No, not now. In a couple weeks.
Ellie: I ave baby sisser too?
Mommy: You want a baby sister too?
Ellie: Yeah.
Mommy: Soon, I promise.
Ellie: Kay.

So our theory is that she has been having a problem with school because Brynn is not there right now. She'll be back soon, but "soon" for us probably feels like a lifetime to Ellie.

Hugs to Brynn and her beautiful baby sister! Come back soon!

1 comment:

Iman Woods Creative said...

Oh this just breaks my heart! She will be so happy when Brynnie comes back. Hug Ellie for me!