
Monday, June 01, 2009

Seven Dwarfs

Mommy: Who is that?
Ellie: Pincess!
Mommy: Yeah, it's Princess Snow White. Who are her friends?
Ellie: (Pointing) Gumpy!
Mommy: Yep. And the others?
Ellie: Uh...
Mommy: Dopey
Ellie: Dopeeee!
Mommy: Bashful.
Ellie: Basfu.
Mommy: Happy.
Ellie: HAPPY!
Mommy: Doc.
Ellie: Doctor.
Mommy: Sleepy.
Ellie: Seepy.
Mommy: Do you know who the last one is?
Ellie: Aah-chooo!
Mommy: Yep!


Unknown said...

hehehe...she is so smart!

Niffer said...

She'll also call a sneeze a "bless you". She'll say things like "Mommy, that's BIG bless you!" after I sneeze.

Anonymous said...

How cute that she calls that a "bless you"!


Niffer said...

Hick-ups are "Nick-ups" and farts are "Toot" and a burp is an "Cuse me."