
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I stand corrected

Neighbor Boy: Can Ellie say words now?
Mommy: (surprised) Yes, she can say lots of words.
Boy: Like Hi and Bye? Or Yes and No?
Mommy: (trying not to be annoyed) She can say just about anything she wants to.
Boy: I bet she can't say "non-conformist-libertarianism"


Unknown said...

what....I bet you she could say it.

Niffer said...

One would have to ask "why would anyone want to say that word unless it's to show off the big words you know?"

Times have changed. I recall there being a time when I swore the longest word had to be Mississippi. LOL.

M said...

The longest word I knew as a kid was antidisestablishmentarianism.

Niffer said...

Wow. You put me to shame.

Unknown said...

Justin said "what an ass" LOL "I have some of those in my class"