
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Traveling with child

It bothers me that one does not need a form of ID for the children they're traveling with. Though it makes my life easier right now (Ellie doesn't have a form of ID other than her birth certificate), I still think it's crazy that anyone can travel with a child but not need to prove who that child really is. Does this strike anyone else as scary or is it just me?


sqpeggy said...

travel where? we needed a passport to take A to Jamaica but maybe that was to prove her age so she could travel free...

Niffer said...

Traveling domestically, you do not need any ID for the child. Traveling to Mexico, I'm told you need a birth certificate. Other countries I think have varying requirements. My hope was to get a passport for her some time this summer, but we don't have one yet.

So far it hasn't been an issue because we've only traveled domestically. But even so, I feel like we should NEED to prove she's really our child. What if she wasn't?

Kelly said...

We still haven't gotten a birth cert for our little guy, and we joke that he doesn't exist yet. But I agree, that's nuts that you can take a kid where ever with no ID.

sqpeggy said...

you're right. it's crazy that you don't need some kind of ID domestically. my guess is because they change every 30 minutes. A's passport is laughable now-the picture was taken when she was 9 mos old or something yet it's supposed to be good for 5 or 10 yrs. still it's weird not to need one.

Salina said...

It freaks me out actually. Anyone can just up and kidnap a child. A birth certificate doesn't really prove anything other than you are traveling with a female child that is more or less the age the certificate shows. We've never even been asked to show the birth certificate.

Niffer said...

Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's insane. =)

I'm sure that requiring an ID would be annoying because in order for it to be worth anything, you'd have to keep it relatively updated. So, I'm not sure what the solution would be.

I just know it scares me that there doesn't seem to be any "need" for one.

Iman Woods Creative said...

at what age can you fingerprint a child and be able to recognize the pattern when they are older?

Niffer said...

I think you can fingerprint a child at any time, but I'm not sure about that.